Kristof Heyrman - October 2024 •

Kristof Heyrman – October 2024

Tell us what this hobby means to you? 14 questions answered by you, Kristof Heyrman from Puurs Sint Amands, Belgium.

We’re always looking for more collectors to feature on Diecast Collector Of The Month (DCOTM). Click HERE for all the details! ** Remember, for your efforts all winning candidates will be mailed a pair of decals! **


1) What first got you collecting diecast? How long have you been collecting? What is your total model count as of today?

I got the collecting diecast microbe from my father. I have been collecting for more than 25 years. I have now around 325 models… all 1:18 scale.

2) What was your first diecast or memory?

My first model car is a Jaguar XJ220 from Maisto, I still have it.

3) What is your favourite scale, and why?

I like 1:18 for its higher level of detail.  Something I do not find in other platforms or scales.

4) What are some of your favourite models to date? Did you share any photos with us?

A difficult question to answer, but my favourite models are the Porsche 911 GT1, Jaguar XJ13, Ferrari 412p and the Ferrari 375plus. Photos are provided!

5) Is there a model that has eluded you, a holy grail of sorts?

There is one!   My holy grail is the Alfa Romeo Typo 33 Stradale from AUTOart.

6) What is your favourite brand/manufacturer, and why?

AUTOart, BBR, GMP. They had interesting models that, most of them provide full-opening features I gravitate to.

7) Describe your current theme and what your overall goal is?

The theme when I started collecting is classic/vintage endurance racers. But I also have some more modern racecars in my collection.

8) Do you display your collection? If yes, how?

Yes, the complete collection thus far is on display, my collection is found in 4 display cabinets.

9) Do you have any other hobbies, passions or addictions?

My passion is motorsport. Watching races at the track.

10) What do you think about the diecast hobby as it stands today?

I still love the hobby, it brings me much joy and excitement. There are always great new releases, so interest is always available!

11) If you could change one thing about the diecast hobby what would that be?

Yes!  More releases that will fit in my theme, that is a lot more classic racecars!!

12) Do you modify cars? If yes, what are some examples?

No, I tried it, but I was not happy with the results.  I have a friend who sometimes modifies them for me if there is something I need to change or fix.

13) What does your spouse, partner or significant other think of your hobby and your collection?

My partner knew I was a car enthusiast and diecast collector from the get-go!  So she is okay with it and what the hobby entails.

14) What is your daily driver?

I drive daily a Hyundai i30N fastback performance.

3 Responses to "Kristof Heyrman – October 2024"

  1. Kostas says:

    Congratulations Kristof for your model car collection! 325 models is quite the number and as I can see you have a very nice variety of racing cars. Very beautiful, interesting and colourful racers, old and modern and also very nicely displayed too.

    I hope that someday you finally get your hands on your holy grail, the Autoart A.R. 33 Stradale. Their prices are really crazy skyhigh nowadays, when back in the day they were at 160$ – 180$. I was very lucky to get mine, back then. I do hope that you come across a rare oportunity, they happen sometimes, with a more “down to Earth” price. Good luck!

  2. Ed3lm4n says:

    Nice collection Kristof! The Jaguar XJ220 was one of my first models as well. And the XJ13 is one of my favourites. I’m sure there’s a very nice 288 GTO in your collection as well ;-)

  3. Giorgio262 says:

    Very attractive racecars collection. Also, nice to see a few models I have too in your collection …but I have a tipo 33 stradale :D , bought back when they were around 150€. That said if you keep your models so close together you could very well be just happy enough with a sealed 33 stradale by Laudoracing, or collect all the 3 different variants they made, and maybe highlight the panel lines with flat black acrylic paint for scale modelling.

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