Zygmunt Cwancykator, Author at DiecastSociety.com

About: Zygmunt Cwancykator

Recent Posts by Zygmunt Cwancykator

REVIEW: Almost Real Lotus Nyo Evija (Dealer Edition)

Collecting scale model cars allows us for a variety of flavours and a variety of specializations in what we put on our shelves. There are many, many options – some love classic racers from ’50-’60, some love daily drivers from ’80-’90, and some love so-called hypercars, to name just a few styles. Now what is a hypercar? In fact, no Continue Reading...
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REVIEW: VIP Models Mercedes-AMG Project One

Collecting spans from just gathering very simple objects, like shells or colourful stones, up to collecting pieces of fine art, cars, or even real estate. For many people collecting model cars is seen as collecting toys. But we know that our hobby is serious. Manufacturers know it too. And try to boost our affection for our hobby in various ways, Continue Reading...
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