AUTOart New Porsche, Lotus, and Bac Mono •

AUTOart New Porsche, Lotus, and Bac Mono

Finally we’re seeing production images of the new AUTOart Porsche 911 (993) in Red and Silver Metallic.  This highly anticipated model has been dangled in front of collectors for months now, and it will finally be on the shelves in late November/December 2015.  And based on the images, the motor seems to be more detailed (top and bottom) than 911s of the past.  We also love the functional rear spoiler and updated hinge workings.  The capable Lotus Exige S in White is on tap too, as well as a new skin for the Bac Mono, Pearl White/Black.  It’s going to be a busy Q4.

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4 Responses to "AUTOart New Porsche, Lotus, and Bac Mono"

  1. Olivier says:

    The Exige seems to be a Composite model, not?

  2. John says:

    Good question. Which of these are composite and which will be true diecast?

  3. Olivier says:

    Thanks for the specs.

    The frontier seems to become thinner between composite models and diecast ones. Nice models indeed.

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