Fronti-Art Regera 1:18 Open & Closed •

Fronti-Art Regera 1:18 Open & Closed

News from the Fronti-Art team shows the new 1:18 Koenigsegg Regera closed version in Red.  This limited edition replica of 399 pieces is pretty much sold through the original allotment.

If you’re one of the lucky few that can afford their open version of the 1:18 Koenigsegg Regera Blue, your wait has been extended until April 2017.  Seems production problems are the cause for delay.  Hey, we all rather get perfect model than one plagued with quality control issues.  If these guys could get their pricing inline with AUTOart they would be a force to be reckoned with!

Product# TBD

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2 Responses to "Fronti-Art Regera 1:18 Open & Closed"

  1. Ole Andre says:

    I have seen the open car on different sites for around 700 dollar, so its gonna be expensive. The red one you can get for around 220 dollar without shipping

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