Words courtesy of Wes Shakirov
If you live outside of European Union and tried to place an order for a GT Spirit model through their website, you undoubtedly must have noticed the increased shipping charges. It used to be that they were shipped to you for 25 Euro, even multiple models. Now if you want to buy even a single model, that’s 45 Euro to you, sir! Want two? Make that 80 Euro. But what if I want three, you ask. Then be prepared to part with 150 Euro! This is at the same time that major European retailers like Modellissimo and CK-Modelcars are still charging a flat rate of 25 – 30 Euro. Depending on model size, they will ship up 20 1:18 scale pieces. To gain customers from around the world, GT Spirit must be willing to subsidise the shipping cost, because it’s better to make a little bit of money than no money at all, right? If I was a GT Spirit customer, and I live in North America, I would have a seriously hard time justifying purchasing even one model under their new shipping charges, but two or three? Forget it, they’re not THAT special.
The charm of GT Spirit is providing relatively simple replicas of unique models for an attractive price. Take the price out of the equation, and you’re simply overpaying, and that’s never fun. Let’s not forget their steady price increases either. Granted, those are fair, but the new shipping charges are not. We’ve reached out to them for comment, so stay tuned.
** UPDATE ** As per GT Spirit it seems the “French Post Policy” has changed, instead of the weight, they have moved to “volumetric weight”, which has dramatically increased shipping rates across the board. In fact they claim they are currently shipping parcels at a loss. That being said, GT Spirit is currently in negotiations with DHL International to take over the shipping channel. Though it will take some time there is possible light at the end of the tunnel…
Thanks Wes!
I went to pre-order the RUF Porsche today, once I saw the shipping charge of 80 Euro for two models I hit the cancel button.
I live in Norway and i used to pay 16 euro in shipping for one model car before. And when i wanted to pre- order a model car today i had to pay 30 euro. I will not by from them anymore and i have found another site that has shipping for 12.50 for one car. I will pre-order from them insted.
I live in the US and thought about buying their AMG and M models. But with the new shipping rates, I mind as well forget about it.
try American Excellence…..same product MUCH better deal on shipping.
I bought direct once a couple years ago. Lately I buy through americanexcellence. Buy two and shipping is free and the price is the best I have found. That’s a shame, I really found GT Spirit to have good value.
I doubt American Excellence will change their shipping policy. See my comment below.
Always better to buy from online resellers like CK or modellismo as they sell VAT free if shipping outside EU.
Every single potential customer who is unhappy with shipping prices should contact GT Spirit and complain. Tell them you will no longer buy items from them because of these price changes. Make sure they understand you will take to social media, forums like this one and hobby shows to tell your friends and other collectors about the increases. You may not get anywhere (which is easily verified) but it won’t cost much more than a little time to try……
Your complaints will likely fall on deaf ears. You can bet they made this decision after much thought. Like our host says….go thru a retailer, and you will get a better deal in the end. NOW….think about what I just said….go thru a retailer……..this may be EXACTLY the reason GTS have raised their shipping fees….to discourage individual orders. I’m SURE the RETAILERS they deal with complained about being cut out of the profit picture because GTS sells ‘direct’. This shipping ‘adjustment’ may well be the GTS answer. I will bet the retailers move more merchandise than GTS sells to individuals….so if you were GTS, who’s complaints would get the most attention ?. EXOTO tried this some years ago, and now you almost don’t hear about them at all…..those ‘ethics’ ( or lack of ) made their business virtually cease to exist…..difference was, EXOTO wanted the individual retail business because they were looking at profit per model. rather than OVERALL profit………..didn’t seem to work out that way though.
Excellent points. All we ask as collectors is fairness at the end of the day. If they are getting pressure from retailers (rightly so) then they should raise the retail (be priced the highest) and remove the rubbish member plan. Lipstick on a pig it seems.
Makes sense. Still a shame to change the policy with no advance notification though.
When they started their company the people from Otto and GT Sprit went to see potential distributors that did not believe in their concept of sealed models and would not distribute their models. These distributors actually cut themselves out and for this reason GTS had to develop their own web based direct distribution system. This system works very well within Europe since shipping costs are low. As for overseas shipment they were actually already subsidizing them since, for example, it costs much more than 25 euro to ship a model from France to North America, even with volume based discounts. So yes they were loosing money on everseas shipments and they are well aware that their new policy will make them loose customers at least temporarily. Now they strategy is to rely on a new network of distributors outside of Europe but it may just be cheaper in the end to order directly from the two big German stores.
Wow!!! I am in Canada and have about 25 or so 1:18 models from GT-Spirit and have often been a bit frustrated by their shipping charges. This is outrageous though. I have ordered approximately 80 or so from CK in the last year and a half and appreciate their flat rate shipping. It often leads to larger purchases of 5 or 6 models at a time because I don’t have to worry about excess shipping charges. When GT introduced the silver and gold level discounts for club members I thought they were on the right track but now with those shipping charges plus the usual customsvand duties, they can forget it.
I recently ordered 4 models from GT Spirit that will ship, 2 each, in July & August.
I was, and still am, horrified that I’m going to be charged €80 each month for the shipping to Australia.
I am seriously considering cancelling at least 1 model each month and buying them from a retailer like CK Models or Car Model.
I notice the the Liberty Walk M4 is already sold out, so I will have to buy it from GT Spirit.
Car Model already have the July & August models available for pre order. I wish that CK Models also did pre ordering.
I do not think I will buy any more models from GT Spirit until they change their policy on freight charges.
I read this is because the shipping companies changed there rates from weight to volume. Don’t pick directly on a company if your not shure what’s going on!
Justify the means to the end… Our site sponsors and Euro based retailers are still under 30 Euro (CK & Modelissimo). Based on 1:18 scale this is for 15-18 models. We also reached out to GTS for explanation. So far no response.
if they ship it from the same location how is it possible that Otto shipping prices stay as it is from day one and GTS got way up
I worked for a company who had a deal with the local postal authorities. This was for a fixed price for any shipment that could easily be carried by the postman. Despite this, we had at least one visit a month from representatives of shipping companies looking for the business. I won’t go into the details of the offers that were made, other than to say it was cut-throat. I have a feeling that ‘Atalante’ has hit the nail on the head……
Another point about retailers. There is no fixed VAT rate throughout the EU. This means – in theory – that Otto and GTS have to make allowances for this situation to balance on-line retail prices. This doesn’t affect discounts from those retailers or the shipping costs from each country.
I contacted them right away when the Ruf pre-order was available, to complain (express my concern) for the price difference, especially when I’m building to get my GTS discount to 20% (now at 15%), i would end up paying more then without the discount.
so anyway they sent me an excel spreadsheet sheet showing me how much they “actually” pay for shipping, basically the “lower” cost they were charging us want feasible to them anymore. stated that the higher aping charges started in January (so they were paying the difference up until now).
suggested finding a US distributor…acme has is for $140 before shipping… I think that ends up more expensive.
I can’t buy that there is no lowered cost on two models. I’ve bought from friends in Germany where I paid at cost shipping and for like 2-3 models it would be 45-60€ while one was about 25-30€.
at that price I’m out, not worth it
phone edit ;)
want feasible=wasn’t feasible
aping charges= shipping charges
acme has is= has it
But how come Otto’s shipping is still reasonable. Aren’t they the same company? I don’t get it.