If you clicked on the link you most likely already read the great review from our friend Karsten Weiss on the BBR 1:18, open, Ferrari F112 tdf. If you haven’t follow the link HERE. Though the photos provided were brilliant (thank you Arkadius) they left a little something to the imagination. Well, we recently acquired our sample and thought it would be a great idea top shoot some more photos, fifty plus, I hope you don’t mind.
The team at BBR recently put their foot back in the ring with a diecast metal and full 360-access Ferrari. This is way Ferraris were intended to be enjoyed. As we all know Ferraris are more than style and tech, the monster than breaths under the bonnet has been doing it for decades at the top of the class.
Ever since Hot Wheels Elite forfeited their license to produce scale model Ferraris there has since been a void of a good mid-priced, full opening model. Yes, Bburago won the bidding war to obtain the rights, and there was the promise and hope with their ‘Signature” series that void will be filled. No, they didn’t answer the call, their scale examples lean more towards toy then prized trophy. And the waiting time to see newness from the Ferrari marque is less than one would like.
Fast forward to BBR, a year or so ago the team announced they were getting back in the game. That game was diecast metal and 360-access! The first to hit the market is the Ferrari F12 tdf in White, and shortly after that the market was filled with more colours and variants from the same platform.
So what do we think of the model? Well, in short, the list of goodness is large with their first venture back. What we like is the paint, carbon fibre work is exceptional. Shutlines and panel gaps are very good. The rear lid could use a little more finesse.
The use of perforated grilles are class with the model, the photos won’t lie. Wheels could use a little more refinement in the cleaning process, I guess this is lack of attention is slightly more noticeable with the Silver wheels here.
We like the use of struts on the rear and the functioning deck lid is a nice touch along with the moulded and painted in leather straps. Though at this price point we think a little acutal leather is more appropriate.
Motor wise it hits high marks. The use of colours, textures, and layers makes it shine above others. Those of you with a sealed resin example, we suggest you sell the static piece and upgrade! Access to this monster is a must. It’s not all roses though, the elephant in the room is the extra large hinge work, which is reminiscent of opening price point models of old. Though if you look at a true F12 tdf, in reality, they are quite large.
Interior is well executed, and again the photos won’t lie. Exceptional use of colour, textures, plastic and metal materials and scale creatively brings forward an awesome interior. Better than any we’ve since from Hot Wheels Elite. We will note the script and decal work on our example (passenger side) is a little sloppy.
In short, the model is excellent in our opinion and will satisfy those true diehard Hot Wheels Elite fans. We were also fans too! Some are complaining about the price, our example set us back about $395CND. That isn’t cheap since the average decent model is selling around $200. In the end, this is a BBR product. Their assortment of resin models has been tipping the scale at $500, $600+.
Also if Hot Wheels Elite was still in the business of scale model Ferraris would they still be pricing at $100-$150? Our recent review of the Jannes Bond Aston Martin was priced $200+. And was released a year ago and pales in comparison with overall detail and execution found here. In the end, collector’s vote with your wallet. But if you’re tired of mediocre results from Bburago Signature series and want more from your scale model than a static peice this Ferrari is a must! We love to hear what you the collector thinks. Please leave your comments below. We’re looking forward to more from BBR. Enjoy the pics!
Great review. Yes when compared to its resin counterpart, for some reason the lack of attention to the wheels is apparent. I got mine in white for that reason as it has black rims, hoping that would make some imperfections less conspicuous. On the other hand, it is the shutlines and panel gaps that stand out more on the white, which don’t seem to be much of a problem on this one.
Thank you. As for stutlines this could a variance during production. Some models fitment is better than others. Yes, darker colours help. If BBR listens to constructive criticism their future Ferrari product will be even better!
Thank you for the review and photos. The model does present well, I just can’t get over those hinges. I hope at this price point they would have replicated it correctly. When it comes to the wheels, they need to work on them a bit. IMHO, The resin version has better wheels.
Thank you. The hinges work is poor, yes, but the rest of the model is brilliant. We haven’t seen a resin first hand. Why the wheels aren’t mirrored would be a mystery to us.
The wheels aren’t the same, because it’s a different factory making them. Minichamps are making these on behalf of BBR, whereas their resin models are made elsewhere. So the entire tooling will be different!
So they re-invented the wheel? That isn’t being resourceful unless the mechanic to attach the hardware for diecast vs. resin is different between the two.
Firstly, the rims and/or tyres may be made of different materials between resin and diecast models.
Secondly, if they’re made in different factories by different manufacturers good luck trying to get the 2 to work together in pretty much any way. The logistics and time management involved to get the 2 working together properly just honestly wouldn’t be worth the hassle, trust me. So for a part as small as a wheel (no matter the significance in how much it contributes to the overall look of the model), it could very well be cheaper and easier to “reinvent the wheel”. When it comes to manufacturing, Chinese factories will do literally anything to reinvent anything and take the least path of resistance.
Hello, I am a big fan of this model and would love to get it just as you have here in Rosso Corsa , in the review it is said that the model seen here cost you $350.00 CND.
I cannot find anyone in Canada who can get it for under $500 CND
It was purchased via our site sponsor CK Model Cars. Minus VAT and 10% discount. Sorry typo on the price it should read $395.
BBR/PMA/Almost Real are doing this to test the waters, that’s why they didn’t put their 100% effort into this. Their first true release will be the LaFerrari, I hold off of buying their resin LaF just to see how their diecast version turns out.
Well, they faired well here. I hope they learn for the missing with F12 tdf and improve on the next cars…
I like it. Everything looks fine, except for the dog legs in the engine cover. When it is expected to be in the retail stores?
It’s on sale now! Distribution seems to be handled by Minichamps, so check with your local dealer for availability or by direct from BBR.
I saw on BBR’s FB page that they are starting a new line of models. Which will be openable resin. The first will be a 488 Pista. Does anyone know if this will supersede any of their diecast line of production or will they continue both openable diecast and resin?
Looks very average for a BBR and with those filthy ugly dog leg bonnet hinges makes the asking price pretty cheeky..
I agree. Looks average for BBR standarts and those dogleg hinges are unacceptable at this price point. I expect Enzo or F430 quality. I have two resin TDF s from them and have no intention to buy the open versions to replace the resins. (If the quality were better, without doglegs, i would have considered…)
Hi, please explain the “average” comment outside the front hinge work? Thanks to both of you.
Hello again. As you mentioned in the review the rear lid issue and some sloppy interior details make my point as “average quality” when we talk about a model coming from a brand like BBR. I am a big fan of them. When i saw this model first on their website with the doglegs it was a big let down for me. So i never had any interest in this model. I guess i cannot get pass the front hinge work :) Cheers
Thanks for the reply. The interior sloppy is a quality control issue at the production stage the hinge work is a decision at R&D. We know manufacturers frequent this website, so we like collectors to voice their concerns and likes. Cheers!
I have 9 of these already the three regular cars and 4 small batch versions in hand the others on their way. I can tell you that they are amazing “toys” I also have the resin version which is pretty nice. I don’t understand all the negative opinions on the dogleg hinges it’s a toy people a really nice toy. After HWE stopped producing Ferrari Diecast it’s nice to see someone try and fill that void. Yeah the toy ain’t perfect but it’s still fabulous. I look fwd to their LaFerrari aptera and 488 pista.thank you guys for this stellar forum.
I got mine today, and I must say that I am extremely disappointed at what I received for 300 euros. The biggest problem is their quality control. It seriously sucks. Fingerprints and paint smudges are all over the body. There are also glue residues on the backside of the rear window which I can’t access. What’s even worse is the carbon fiber work. Yes, I understand what they were doing, but I can see bits of it have come off here and there and this exposes ugly grey plastic underneath. It drives me nuts every time I have to look at it. Considering the price factor, this is probably the WORST diecast experience that I’ve ever had in my life. It’s absolutely out of question that they asked for this amount of money for such lousy work.
We highly recommend you return the model or contact BBR directly. They definitely need to work on their QC, but we haven’t read or heard of any model yet with all these problems you mention.
Are you really calling this a mid-priced model? Even at the rock-bottom price you paid I’d hesitate to call this a mid-priced model (but frankly, I can’t find this available anywhere for less than $450 USD).
Aside from how we categorize the price point, it’s hard to fathom the low this hobby has come to if this is now what we collectively classify as a good $400+ model. As you mentioned, if Hot Wheels Elite was still making Ferraris they might MSRP at around $200 (although available cheaper – like your review model), but is this thing worth anywhere near twice what a HWE would cost? I say hell no, but I’m not so desperate for fully opening modern Ferraris that I’d shell out anything, no matter how unreasonable.
Maybe mid-priced isn’t the best choice of words. This model isn’t for all, and in all honestly is at my threshold of what I would spend on any scale model. That being said there is a gap in Ferrari models since the departure of HWE. Someone looking for an opening and better overall quality than HWE, and doesn;t what sealed resin in Ferrari trim should consider this model.
Funny how the hobby is turning.Everybody complaining about and ‘old school’ classic diecast like the old kyoshos and far better than an elite.The price is too high they say,it has hinges they say.No one has complained for the 400+ resin tdf ,no one has complained for the composite semi resin auto art,no one has complained for the fake plastic crap resins such as gtspirit and so many others who they only need a 3D printer to get your money.The question still remains,the 300 diecast or the 400 resin,which is more value for money…
Absolutely agree.
It’s obviously much better than useless sealed resin.
It’s interior is much, much better than AutoArt’s plastic ( = toy-ish ) and toneless interior, whereas the AutoArt models are for the same price!
As for “dog legs”… Guys, in case of a useless sealed resin model you would not even have an ability to see them! So, can’t see = can’t complain? And no one cares about really great engine details?? As for AutoArt’s nice hinges – well, personally I defenitely choose a combination of realistic interior with “dog legs” than a toneless plastic interior with nice hinges.
Is a toe in the water for BBR in my opinion..high end diecast or resin is just not selling new in bundles, i’ve just checked Ebay and a full open in either of 3 colours range from dearest 900 euros to around 280 euros..all sellers state “just 1 left!..thats ebay language for, “i still have these in stock, why?”..i like it, but would want to pay £250 UK maximum, and then look to pull apart and change the wheels!
OK, so my F12 TDF has arrived. It’s black with red interior and with metallic-grey wheels. I do like this combination.
The model feels solid: it’s doors and lids move tightly and don’t stagger, and overall there is no feeling that something could unexpectedly become broken.
The body lines and the interior are very good. The interior is so detailed, it is really something I always wanted to see in AutoArt’s models – and AutoArt did not stop to regularly disappoint me. Ah, these wonderful dotted lines in the TDF’s interior are something I really wanted in AutoArt’s Huayra… Though, frankly, I expected these dotted lines in TDF to be not only painted but also be sunken – similarly to old Kyosho’s R8 interior. But anyway, small and tiny details in the TDF’s interior are very good.
The engine consists of different 3D elements and shows some detailing – though, frankly, I was expecting more. If I tell you that I’m also a lucky owner of CMC’s Ferrari California (also black and red, by the way), you probably know what I mean :) Not CMC’s level of details, surely, but at least better than something similar to AutoArt’s Millenium series’ engine level. It’s only about the number of details – whereas the colors and finish are really good.
Metallic grey wheels look good to me, I see no shortcoming here. What, however, does not make me happy is no working suspension. Why? Moreover, the front wheels are easily turned themselves (to left or right), without moving the steering wheel.
Overall, the feelings from this model remind me the old Franklin Mint 1:24 Corvette Z06 – that one was also a very solid and interesting model, but some things could have been better.
Anyway, especially in the world of today’s 1:18 models’ degradation, this BBR’s TDF is _very_ good. But probably not good enough to be the model of the year. By the way, just in case I’ve counted the number of metallic perforated grills in this BBR’s TDF and in AutoArt’s Koenigsegg One:1. So, the TDF has 14 metallic perforated grills (including 2 in the engine and 2 in the inside parts of the doors), whereas the One:1 has 13 of them. It’s just an interesting fact; I don’t know why I counted them :)
Nice feedback, thanks.
Just in case, here are the full names of the scale models mentioned in my comment:
– AutoArt 1:18 Pagani Huayra
– Kyosho 1:18 Audi R8 (first generation)
– CMC 1:18 Ferrari 250 California SWB
– Franklin Mint 1:24 Corvette Z06 GCA (2008)
– AutoArt 1:18 Koenigsegg One: 1
I got this model in Black from a local shop a month ago.
It is really great to have a full 360-access Ferrari
Hope that there will be more openable models from BBR in the future
Thanks for the review !!!
BTW, the photos are great, hope that I can get the skills one day XD
I have this gorgeous model in red and it is sublime – like your 50 photos. Thanks for your review.