MK Miniatures has given word they are producing a limited edition of 100 units of the Peugeot e-Legend in 1:12 scale. This model is Peugeot France approved with each example hand-signed (French Peugeot Model Club founder) Frederic Robert and e-Legend designer Nicolas Brissonnean. Pricing is north of $800 CND.
Product# TBD
I got this one from otto mobile, very nice model. definetly a nice one for the collection.
OttOmobile is very good. Did they do the 1:12?
Can you please remove your article ? I’m in charge of the Licensing agreement with Peugeot and the project has not been validated yet. Nicolas Brissonneau is not informed either and it can be very embarrassing for him with Peugeot. I have asked my friend from MK Miniature to remove all publishing about this model, unless he might be banned by Peugeot as a manufacturer of its modelcars.
I am not the founder of the Peugeot Model Club, only one of the 50 founding members, I have not the right to take decision or communicate in the name of the Club !
Thanks for your understanding.
Please email the team via the contact link. Thanks