TOP Marques Ferrari 275GTB/4 - Wheel Variant •

TOP Marques Ferrari 275GTB/4 – Wheel Variant

TOP Marques is giving Ferrari fans a first look at their painted sample 1:12 Ferrari 275GTB/4.  This one is a little different, the model is presented with alternative wheel option.  We kinda like it!  No word on official release date, please contact TOP Marques for more information.

Product# TM1204

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4 Responses to "TOP Marques Ferrari 275GTB/4 – Wheel Variant"

  1. Peter says:

    Unfortunately not an improvement. Low profile tires don’t help either.

    • MLB says:

      I agree with Peter. The tires are still terribly wrong in size and shape, and the alloy wheels are Not accurate. Overall wheel size, some shapes, and the slotted openings are wrong. Slotted openings should be square, Not rectangular as shown on this model. Oh well……

      • MLB says:

        AND….. all of my previous comments regarding their other 275 GTB/4 models previously shown DO apply to this one. This is another disappointing “toy.”

  2. David C says:

    Another disappointment in 12th scale; these makers NEED to know ‘close enough’ is not good enough-pass…………

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